Overview for Parents and Visitors
Each year more high school students with disabilities are planning to continue their education at institutions of higher education, such as Penn State. As a student with a disability, students need to be well informed about changes in their rights and responsibilities as well as the rights and responsibilities afforded by the University. A student who is well informed will help to ensure a full opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the college education experience without confusion or delay.
Prospective students with disabilities are encouraged to contact or visit the Office for Student Disability Resources in their junior or senior years in high school in order to find out more about disability services at the college level.
There is often a misperception by students entering college that postsecondary schools and high schools have the same responsibilities in regard to provision of academic adjustments for students with disabilities. This is often not the case; the responsibilities of postsecondary schools are significantly different from those of school districts at the secondary level. Also, the responsibilities of students with disabilities are significantly different as well. As a student with a disability enters the college setting, it is in their best interest to know their rights and responsibilities and the rights and responsibilities of the postsecondary schools under Section 504 and Title II. Doing so will often improve a student’s opportunity to succeed in a college setting.
A student with a disability who is considering a postsecondary education at Penn State DuBois is encouraged to visit our website at or to call 814-372-3037 for further information.